Crop Production :: Oil Seeds :: Sesame


Sesame - Field Preparation


Field Preparation

  • Plough twice with tractor drawn cultivator or thrice with mould board plough or 5 times with country plough
  • To obtain fine tilth, break the clods with rotavator

Sesame forming beds & channels Sesame Spacing

Chiselling for soils with hard pan

  • Chisel the soil with chisel plough at 0.5m interval in both directions
  • For irrigated sesame:  Form beds with a size of 10 m2 to 20 m2
  • For rice fallow sesame: Sow the seeds after first ploughing and cover with second ploughing


  • First thinning at 15 days after sowing
  • Second thinning at 30 days after sowing

Field Preparation Thinning